Call for Open Research on Social Cap, Carbon Cap values to determine tokenisation of digital service credits

Read Research Guidelines.

This Open Research is divided into few chapters. Each chapter has chapter specific guidelines.

Ch- 1: Social Capital: social premium, and determination of social cap values.

Ch- 2: Carbon Capital: Carbon premium, Net Zero premium, and determination of carbon cap values.

Ch- 3: Tokenization and pricing of “digital services credit value chain”, based on determination of social cap and carbon cap values.

Open Research Title: Compute Tokenization valuations of a digital service Credit Value Chain by applying case specific variables, including but not limited to carbon premium, net zero premiums, carbon cap value, social premium, and social cap value.


  1. Eligible set of conventions, terminologies from IIRC (International Integrated Reporting Council) or can be perquisites of International Financial integrations.

a.Observe the impact of social capital and carbon credits, carbon taxes in International Financial Integrations.
b. Observe both the macroeconomic, and microeconomic factors.
c. Research should apply determinant factors onto the cross relationships b/w regional and global value chains.

  1. Keywords: Social Capital, Social premium, Social Cap, Carbon Premium, Net Zero Premium, Carbon Cap values

Carbon Premium: the difference in cost(denoted by a mathematical delta function) between a digital service that involves emitting carbon and an alternative that doesn’t.
Net Zero Premium: the difference in cost(denoted by a mathematical delta function) between a digital service that involves emitting 1 unit of carbon and an alternative that reduces same units of emitted carbon.

Carbon Taxes are levied as Global Value Chain(GVC), Regional Value Chains(RVC) ;linked with value added Taxes on supply chain.
Carbon cap value is a function of {Net Zero Premium, Carbon Premium, Carbon taxes}

Social capital refers to relationships between individuals or groups and the resulting ability to secure or obtain resources, knowledge, or information.
In the context of this Open Research study, Social Capital is the relationships between verified Serenity Partners or individual Foundation citizens and their resulting ability to secure a token and procure resources within the objectives of the Foundation.

Social cap value is a function of {Social Premium}

Determine Social Premium using both quantitative and qualitative assessments

Few Examples of Quantitative attributes:

a. Size of Network ; 0-8 billion (human capital is considered as part of social capital)

b. Purchasing Power Parity of the network:

c. Market Power Parity of the network:

d. Multilateral Trust Indicators >=0 (gather data pointers)

Few Examples of Qualitative Attributes:

e. A healthy network, measured from Insurance Data.

f. An ethical and principled network, measured from total no. of active and closed, Open Tribunal dispute and arbitration redressals.

g. Governance Indicators, measured from approximate geolocations of member population.(governance inclusion indicators).

h. Gender equality levels

i. Integration attributes: Refuge and migration rehabilitation policies, measured from governance & social inclusion indicators.

j. Regional theological conflicts, measured from governance & social inclusion indicators.

k. Quality of network education index - higher education or more

l. Elderly and differently abled care, independently measured from Governance & social inclusion indicators.

m. Non censored accessibility of Internet to the network population.

Relevant FAQs on conventions used in this Call for Research:

Q1. What is a digital service credit?
A digital service credit is an asset of Foundation’s Open Treasury, which measures social capital, alongside green premium, within an open governance framework.

Q2.What is the total no. of digital service credits?
Not determined

Q3. What is the base supply of service credits?
8 billion or tied to census (not finite but proportional to World Population.)

Q4. What is the criteria for base valuation of Open Treasury?
8 billion units or tied to census (not finite but proportional to World Population.)

Q4. Who can own a service credit?
Anyone can own a service credit in a closed loop and verified ecosystem. A service credit is generally issued to all the member of the Foundation. From thereafter, any other non citizen can access a service credit, after performing an exchange with the Foundation citizen. The exchange stage determines whether token has become a digital currency in the hybrid payment loop.

Q5. How is a service credit exchanged on the Open Governance layer?
Whenever a payment contract is deployed(smart contract) on an open governance layer, this transaction is known as a digital service.

Q6. How is a service credit value derived?
That is the purpose of this OPEN RESEARCH. :unamused:

Q7. What is a Probabilistic distribution?
A probability distribution is a statistical function that describes all the possible values and likelihoods that a random variable can take within a given range .
Please use mathematical derivations to build your assertions.:person_tipping_hand:

Q8. How do you define a “service”?
Service - a quantised state of meta data, hosted on a network of computing machines, consuming y units of electricity over time t units.

An example is “Bits of meta data on the cloud”

Hint: Determine cloud Infrastructure unit bit market pricing - f(p) for our case study, where p is total cost of holding a convertible currency liability on a computing infra.

Q9. What is a Value Guarantee?
A promise made by an appropriate Central bank or an intermediary, denoting value to issued convertible currency liability. The liability is held by a Central bank or any intermediary(in this case MF) funding the value guarantee with liquidity principles.

Q10. What are bits?
As denoted by bits, size of stored or processed data.